The history of Altieri

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From the XV century – From papal guards to defenders of Corsica and the French descent

My family has ancient roots and, according to oral tradition capocòrsina, is a native of Rome. It was attested in Barrettali (Corsica) already in sec. XV and consistently indicated, even then, also in the public, with the usual rules honorific reserved for nobles. And ‘tradition believe that my ancestors Romans (even before the’ 500) were part of the personal guard of the Pope and that it sent them in Corsica, together with the army, with the intent to counter the continuous raids of the Barbary piracy and Turkish-Ottoman.
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XVIII century – From Corsica to Sardinia, on the run from the French government

In 1773 Padron Pietro Altieri (1733-1787), was Antonio, on the run from the Cape-Course for problems with the French government, he settled with his entire family in the island of La Maddalena in Sardinia. The Marquis de Castrie, the then Secretary of the Navy in Versailles and Regnier du Tillet, Commissioner of Ports and Arsenals of Corsica, intervened in the matter. Here we understand the importance attributed to the phenomenon of the exiled from Corsica after taking possession of France. He settled in La Maddalena will join the Royal Navy Sarda as sub-pilot. [Continue reading]

XIX century

Emigration to Porto-Rico / Haiti and the revival of economic

  • The phenomenon of migration from the Cape-course towards Porto-Rico, also involved some of my ancestors:
    Domenico Altieri, in 1802 resided in Yauco and in 1816 received his naturalization Puerto Rican. He married in 1814 in Mayaguez with Poland Lopez born in Anasco. They had two sons, Domingo Antonio Altieri Altieri Pablo Lopez and Lopez;[Continue reading]

The offspring of Genoa

  • The highly decorated Pietro Altieri (1828-1901) of the Magdalene, was Peter, he participated in the Crimean War of 1856. During a fight a bomb exploded right in its vicinity, the outbreak in part cut off a few fingers and with a desperate gesture if the cut at all. In 1867 he married Jeanne-Marie Dupont in Genoa with whom he had two children, Anna Blessed (1867) and John Louis (1869-1937).[Continue reading]

XX century – The return to Rome

Pietro Altieri (1840-1907) of the Maddalena (my great-grandfather), an officer of the Guardia di Finanza, the son of Domenico Andrea and Maria Garroni, drew rescued three French sailors in 1881 in the sea of Cagliari. In 1882, he obtained from the French Republic a silver medal for those bailouts. He moved to Naples, for reasons related to his work, will marry in 1882 with Marianna de Veredicis (n.1841-m.1908) with whom he had five children including Domenico who was born in 1876. [Continue reading]

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